Horoscope is a life science which tell you about your own
life events and the learning outcome. Ultimate aim is getting Moksha and our
birth chart is meant to create a scope for that. To go beyond the physical dimensions
for higher seeking is what everybody is supposed to do!
Seeing the reality as it is, understanding the relation
between true self and the surroundings and belonging to beingness is the
spiritualism. Rise of consciousness and
elevating life in mundane world is the spiritualism. One has to enter in
materialism and accept every aspect of life with full mind for spiritual
Ancient astronomers or sages weren’t able to reach to Sky
but there were able to reach to human anatomy, its whole nervous system, brain,
and heart. They resembled Universe (Antarishka) with humane body (central
nervous system and brain) and discovered the deep hidden truth which we still
are unable to understand.
Horoscope understanding create a kalpa Vriksha inside u
which fulfill your wishes. You can understand yourself and the events happen in
your life and take corrective measures to not repeat the same. Every house is
related to the next house and reflects the measures those have been taken in
previous houses.
When you acknowledge your weaknesses and inclinations, you work on the
development of fundamentals. Destiny has its role to play but isn’t that pre-determined
at the time of your birth? Beginning from the 1st house, you
sequentially enter in next house and complete your journey up to the 12th
house. Every life aim is to evolve from
the current self and redeem from their past actions. What substance they stored
in previous life decides their 1st house at the next birth.
1st house position comes after 12th house. 12th
house is for foreign land, prison, asylum, expenses, and Moksha. All these
attributes ultimately take you to the moksha yatra (fulfillment of soul). It is
house of isolation and meditation that guide you to the path of inner self.
After spending a major part of your life, you realize the true essence of life
and about your existence. With this Karmic accumulation, you take birth on
earth, build your character and set the ongoing path of life.
The universe makes the way for us what we truly want,
though we don’t acknowledge its actions and suffer the outgoings in life.
1st house represents your ascendant sign when u
take birth in earth or have taken your first breath on your own, out from your
mother’s womb. It is the degree of the sign that is rising on the eastern
horizon at the time of birth represent your ascendant sign.1st house
represent your inner self. It is the
summation of Karmic debt that you carried from your previous birth.
Whichever zodiac sign sits
on 1st house of birth chart, become your ascendant. Naturally, 1st
house is for Aries ascendant and the ruling planet is Mars. Sun is the Karaka for
1st house. Sun that gives you name fame, and career is exalted in
Mars gives courage, valor, action, energy and confidence. Mars is a
warrior, a Senapati, it gives u strength, physical power, and a strong build.
It represents your body, thoughts, psychic, temperament, psychology and your
core substance of previous karma. It defines your basic character that
personifies in the form of your personality what you develop in your upcoming
ages. Mars is Angaraka/red planet. Agni is energy or hidden force to lit fire,
to imbibe strength and valor in person body and mind to break the inertia and
fight. In Greeks mythology, Ares is war lord.
Sun is Atma or pure consciousness. It represents
your unalloyed Atma and your past and present karma put sheath and sheath over
it and hid it beneath the step well for a life. Soldier fight a war to get you out
from the step well or from your own created prison.
What happens if Mars is
sitting here means Mars is sitting on his own house and is exalted. It would
give more strength and power to overcome others and consequently, make you
suffer from vanity and superiority complex.
Rebellious and adventurous
nature should be guided for a cause and there should be control of Dharma over
it. Hanumana (kama personification) had a control of Jambavanta (dharma
personification) over him and in Mahabharata, Arjuna (artha) and Bheema (kama) was
in control under Yudhistera (Dharma). Shruti (listening to an unalloyed heart,
free soul) is the sole means of knowing dharma! It applies to individually and
a society too.
If other planets and houses are supportive, you won’t suffer the negativity
of the power. Always in a winning way life will be achieving and satisfying for
you. Though, Sun will be remained hidden forever. You won’t have enough
humility or compassion to look inward or to care about yourself. You would be
busy with power, strength, and achievements and never feel the necessity to
look inside.
Planets position in our birth chart determine our scope for higher
learning and understanding truth of life. Mundane task is necessary in this
world to survive but this alone doesn’t create a ladder to cross the physical
boundary. Upliftment of life and enlightenment comes from the learning of life
we spend in mundane world. When people have enough courage to take life
challenges, to do effort and take responsibility of their work, they look into
the life directly and learn the reality of self and surroundings.
Until, you
have enough courage and strength to take Kurma (Giant turtle) avatar to bear
responsibility of your action, introspection doesn’t come to your ocean heart.
The nectar of life will be untouchable forever.
Rahu and Ketu are the Moksha karaka planet and they were
the first one who drank nectar. Ketu, the headless god has no ‘I’. It detaches
you from the world and shed your Ego to bring you close to your real self. Ketu
creates a lackness/emptiness in life, related to the things where it sits. Ketu
destroy you (I) completely, uproot you from the current ground and take you
beyond the present life. Rahu and Ketu enhance your ability to suffer stress
and trauma and make you humble enough to look into deep mystery of inside.
Life aim is to rise above from the mundane/routine world
and see the other realms which every soul aspires to reach. Natural inclination
of Rahu and Ketu is core functioning of life. They are more interested for real
things which are hidden and mysterious.
Our home is our comfort zone and we don’t dare to leave
home for nothingness which doesn’t exist in appearance. Rahu gives you desire
and more desires and created the mental torture and dilemma related to the
house where it sits. Rahu creates illusions and then orient you to break the
illusion, the prison where you kept yourself in chains. Rahu brings out your
problems, which you avoiding for any reason, and compel you to make solution.
How the sequences are arranged in horoscope are the
stepping stones of life that we have to follow to reach the ultimate goal. They
teach us to go beyond the present limit for outgrowing.
2nd house is for speech, creativity, wealth, food, and all
possessions. Possessions is something that is valuable to you. It is your
earning that gives you reputation and your standing in a society. It could be
material wealth, your finances, and affluence what you think is precious and
valuable to you. Of course, money is needed to survive but for the enrichment
of inner self your beingness is most important. Your 2nd house guide
you to that direction.
Venus is the house lord that gives you soft art and
creativity, sensory pleasures and enrich your soul. Venus/Shukra is Joy, Kama, and Desire of unfettered mind and unrestricted thoughts.
Articulate your feelings in coherence with nature and
express it with creative talents. It is the house of speech and creativity that
accumulate wealth and affluence for you. Appreciate the beauty around you and
always try to find the way out of the current situations. Exploit your full
potentials and accept every challenges of life with full mind and full heart. Joyful
heart always has Mrta Sanjivini to keep it alive. That’s why Shukracharya has Mrta Sanjivini, while
Dev Guru Brihaspati has not.
Shukra was adventures Guru; he exploits his full potentials
and accepted every challenge of life with full mind and full heart. Shukra is
the manifestation of Prana (life force) inside the body that revives life in dead.
When you find the creative
expression through your speech, you learn to communicate with people. 3rd
house is for communication, siblings, mental intelligence and endeavors or
journey of life. How we use our intelligence to process and share
information around us to adjust in the environment depend on the functioning of
the 3rd house. Basically, you learn new skills as per new
requirements and try to adjust with the situation. Mercury ruled the 3rd
house and 6th house. Mercury is a neutral planet and adopt the
feature of the house where it sits.
Instead of blaming the
situation, you develop the skill sets and properly communicate with people and
situations. You build strong shoulder to bear the responsibility and accept
life as it is. You develop good communication between your brothers/sisters,
which also carried the same blood and flesh. 3rd house basically
teaches you surviving skills in the mundane world but to elevate to the next
level you need the wisdom of Jupiter.
The purpose of Kundali
(horoscope) is to be coherent with nature/ inner self. This unveil the mystery
of life and ourselves.
4th house
is your idea of home, native place and your emotional fulfillment. 10th
house lord, Saturn, looks directly to 4th house which is the house
for mother, home land, home, values, property, vehicle, prosperity. Mother is your
foundation principle and with your mother you find all the comfort and mental
peace. This is the house that carried through your past karma. Some take birth
as beggar and some as rich and now it’s up to them to build their karma and
redeem from their past sin.
Sita was Bhumija, came direct from Earth and Dropadi was
Yagnaseni, born from fire. They were Ayonija—not born in the womb. They came
into existence to the world because of their karma of the 10th
house. Their work gave them recognition and success in life. So the 10th
house is important what prosperity you achieve in life by doing your karma.
Your work satisfies your
inner being and take you to the upliftment of life. All name, fame, career,
success comes from the 10th house. Saturn is the ruling lord and
Saturn is the Gyan karaka planet. Sun is the karaka (significator) for 10th
house. Saturn actually guide you to the path of father Sun. Sun is your inner
being to whom you belong and Saturn makes sure that you always be true to the real
things of life.
5th house is for creative and innovative ideas,
new understanding to old notions, and personal pleasure by creative expression.
It is the house for higher education and spiritual learning, rationalization,
sense of discrimination and intellectual wisdom. 5th house decides
your children, education and love life. What education you have to push you
forward towards your job in life. It is not confined to bookish education.
Saturn takes to you to the tour of core education of life but with broken leg it is slow yet steady! 😜
Your higher education and innovation shed the old
conventions and traditions that you took from 4th house. Higher
Dharma or the objective of creation leads people or individual to equality,
compassion, Ahimsa, love, dharma and benefits to humanity.
5th house is about gambling, lottery,
speculative business, betting where things are just based on probabilities.
Yudhisthera was fond of gambling and lost everything on the chances of
probabilities. 5th house is opposite to the 11th house
which is the laxmi sthana. This determines the area from where you are getting
Laxmi. It decides your friends, association, gathering and profit through your
networking. 11th house energy works to uplift the 5th
house, your creative production—your children. Do work as per your 5th
house inclination to get the sensual pleasure of your work.
11th house lord is Saturn and it directly see
the father house—Sun. Child is looking in the eye of father. Saturn makes the
way for you to reach to your father (pure consciousness) through love and
devotion. Love takes time and it gives nothing material in return except enrichment
of soul. Your true, unconditional love rise in the form of twin flame
connection and get you to your real self where you belong. Sun and Saturn are
the very complimentary energy that work to grow each other. Love is the only
way to reach to the Sun!
You go behind in time and live the same period in your
children’s timeline. Your child is the image of you so incorporate your
experiences and knowledge in your child to keep them away from the same
mistakes. This way you nurture the child inside you.
6th house comes between 5th house and 10th
house. 6th house is for disease, enemy, jobs, sanitation. 10th
house decides what job and occupation you do but how you do your regular job is
decided by the 6th house. Are you joyous in your job or doing it in
mental pressure? How you manage challenges, your health and well beings? It
relates to obstacles, enemies, and difficulties and your ability to overcome
Your concerns related to health and hygiene for personal and surroundings
comes under this. So, cleaning should begin from inside. Cleaning of illusions
and make the mirror clean in order to reflect the same image as it truly
exists. To reach to inner self and awake your desire to get the nectar of
immortality is what 6th is for. Need to change the pattern in your
mundane work to be growth oriented.
After 6th house there comes the 7th house. It is
the house of marriage, partnership, and gain from partnership. Venus rules the
7th house. It gives you chance to look into your partnership, to
one-on one relationship and clarity between partnership. Partnership is based
on mutual gain and trust and it build up on equal footings.
Venus is the karaka
for entertainment, luxuries and all material wealth which people desire in the
world. When there are ambiguities and lies in the relationship, there will
always be issues in marriage. So here comes the 7th house to teach you
the necessary lessons of life. Be specific what you want from your partnership
deal. It doesn’t go along well with the bad intentions and fraud.
Planets position in our birth chart give us several chances in life to
uplift ourselves. If your 6th
house work fine, you will have partnership with like-minded souls in the conducive
environment. You partnered with your passion where your heart expands thus, you
gain joy and luxuries of life.
Now, comes the 8th house. 8th house is
the DEATH of ascendant. It comes opposite to 1st house that is the
karaka for your body, thoughts, psychic, temperament, psychology, mind and your
perspective to the world. 1st house is home of ascendant also. 1st
and 8th house, both have Mars their ruling planet.
It tells about your lifespan
and the nature of death. Death doesn't mean physical death always; it is the
death of 'I'—the outer personality. Not necessarily it means only death but
death like pain and torture also come under this. It enables you to go deep
inside you, find hidden treasures and hidden knowledge. Treasure of life is
always there and now the time comes to claim your inheritance. Pain and
miseries are the part of your redemption process to wash your previous sins. It
is the death of everything you have……to begin a new!
After the death of your Karmic
sins, you reincarnate in a new personality and work towards to shape your true
identity. You go to deep step well and bring out the hidden knowledge about the
life. You get crystal clear vision and can see thing as it exists. Then comes
the house of Dharma—the 9th house.
Your 10th house and
11th house are aligned to the 9th house. You are ready
for final Moksha yatra in 12th house. You have to go for higher seeking
to cross the boundary of this three-dimensional world. You may reach to Mahar
loka, Gyan loka, Tapa loka or the above lokas in this mundane world. The person
who reached Mahar loka called Mahatma! Mahar is the higher Dharma, thinking
about the humanity and renouncing the individual Ahankara or identity.
Moksha is the mental state of peace and freedom
that transcends us to the higher upper world.
12th house is the
final journey of your life. 1st house represents the beginning and
12th house completes the life cycle.
This is the house of detachment, solitude, foreign land, separation, imprisonment,
and spiritualism. It is also the caused for intoxication, sex, addictions and
all types of malefic habits. We succumb to these addictions because for a
moment it gives us ultimate pleasure. At the same time, they make us weaker and
weaker wretched being. A true ‘Yogi’ is always in bliss regardless of
surroundings. They don’t need to consume liquor to remain in bliss. These are
the addictions that have sensory control over you.
12th house is the
freedom of soul from all the miseries of material life. Rama renounced Sita and
his brothers before the final journey and Yudhistera too lost Dropadi and all
his brothers in the path of final journey. That’s why it is house of solitude!
You are alone but NOT lonely. It is incomparable to all worldly pleasure when
you find the whole world inside you—Krishan Vishwarupa. It enriches your soul!
Your final part before the
physical death of the body is the summation of your time period that you spend
on earth. It is an expense of your ages. Your Karma that u carry forward to the next
life in next birth determines your ascendant sign and planets position in your
birth chart. 1st house is the resultant effect of 12th
house that u carry with u. Here is the ending and the new beginning too!
Dhatu Yoga