A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions! Travelling through different topics and joining the broken glass. Process to heal up my self. After conscious awakening, no trivial thing could ever get a place in my blog and in my life.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Traveller: Natural remedies to get rid of oily skin
Monday, February 25, 2013
Natural remedies to get rid of oily skin
Monday, February 11, 2013
अन्जान पथिक
जो अँधेरे में चला जा रहा है।
अपनी आशाओं , निराशाओं के साथ
प्रकाश की आस में बहा जा रहा है।
मन में बारम्बार विचार उठता है
क्या मेरी राह है सही ,
मंजिल से अनभिज्ञ,
पैर हैं कि रुकते नहीं।
एक पल रुकना, फिर सोचना
किस राह पर चलें किस पर नहीं।
यथार्थ में जीता हूँ मगर कल्पनाएँ फिर भी साथ हैं,
सोचने करने को बहुत कुछ मगर संघर्ष भी साथ है।
दुसरे के जीवन को आदर्श बनाकर,
उसमे जीना अत्यंत कठिन है।
अपनी वेदनाओं और विचारों से सिद्धांत बनाकर,
उनके विरुद्ध लड़ना अत्यंत कठिन है।
जीवन एक जंतर मंतर है,
कई अन्जान रास्तों में घोर समर है।
यहाँ धूप, क्षाऊँ, सुख, दुःख सभी हैं,
सहचरों से प्यार, सम्मान सभी कुछ मिला है।
दिल और दिमाग के बीच फिर भी कुछ अंतर है।
रास्तों में खो जाने का निरंतर डर है,
मेरा जीवन निरूद्देश, ऐसे जीवन का मैं प्रार्थी नहीं।
संकटों का स्वागत लेकिन लड़ने को हथियार नहीं,
सृजन करने की चाहत लेकिन उसका साहस नहीं।
ऐसी धुंध में मैं खोना नहीं चाहता,
धुंध के आगे धुंध कुछ भी स्पष्ट नहीं होता,
मन मैं उसी राह पर चलूँ जिसमें मुझे विशवास हो,
उसी मंजिल पर पहूंचूं जहाँ मेरी आत्मा साथ हो।
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Mobile Computing
What rapid progress we have achieved in telecom field is hardly seen elsewhere. Mobile has been used as an alternate device when it comes for taking picture, making videos, and net surfing while at present it’s is actively replacing the main device functionality.
We all want best mobile broadband and Internet connection for our laptop and desktop computers. There is a wide range of wireless data cards available that work on 2G and 3G SIM cards. 3G provides high Internet speed and huge download data capacity. You can go for 3G mobile connection for home and office use. The difference between the 2G and 3G is the data download capacity and the high speed Internet. Once you get the 3G SIM card for your Internet connection, you have to recharge it with 3G. Now, tariff prices reduced drastically so the 3G connection seems to be an affordable for many.
However, 3G data card comes with SIM locked devices so you cannot change the operator if you are not satisfied with the network service. Moreover, 3G operators have no nationwide networking. So if you travel to other place where no 3G network is available, you will have no option left except buying a new connection. Instead of buying a whole new connection again, you better have an open network data card. Thus, it won’t be a costly affair for those who travel a lot.
There are several data cards options—ranging from 2GB, 3GB, 5GB, 10GB, and more—available in the market. Aircel, Idea, MTS, Reliance, BSNL, etc are the few leading networks which offer broadband plans at affordable rates. Some networks are restricted to specific area and some work throughout India. Thus, mobility is no more bizarre issue with Internet.
However, choosing the best possible plan is not an easy job. You first ensure about your requirements and then check with the available plans. 1 GB data plan is OK for social networking, chatting, and emailing purposes. Enjoy fast speed Internet connectivity and bulk data download with 2 GB and 3 GB plans. You can watch Live TV, engage in video chat, YouTube downloads; movie downloads, and so on. You can go for big data plan if you are hardcore internet users and indulge into heavy uploading/downloading data and streaming videos, constantly.